Nan Su
20 years experience in molecular biology and RUO/IVD technology development. Previously Founder and CEO of Acepix Biosciences and Sr. Director of R&D at Advanced Cell Diagnostics

Yuling Luo
Chairman / CO-FOUNDER
Serial Entrepreneur. Founder, Chairman and CEO of Alamar Biosciences. Previously Co-Founder, President and CEO of Advanced Cell Diagnostics (Acquired by BioTechne for $325M), and Co-Founder of Panomics (GenoSpectra) (Acquired by Affymetrix)

Hsueh-Chia Chang
Bayer Professor, College of Engineering, University of Notre Dame. Fellow of National Academy of Inventors and American Physical Society. Lifetime Achievement Award, American Electrophoresis Society

Ceming Wang
Director of Engineering
Ph.D. in Applied Physics and Research Scholar at College of Engineering, University of Notre Dame. Inventor of Asymmetric Nanopore Membrane (ANM) technology